Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Anshei Darom Presents Megillat Eichah to Camp Ramah

Reading Megillat Eichah

Two campers at Ramah Darom (top photo) prepare to read from the camp’s new Eichah scroll in observance of Tisha b’Av. The scroll, hand-inscribed in Israel, was presented by the Anshei Darom Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs.

FJMC MachersGathering for the presentation and observance were (left to right) Stan Schnitzer, Congregation Beth Shalom, and member of FJMC Executive Committee; Hank Needle, Congregation Etz Chaim and president, Anshei Darom Region; Rabbi Eliezer Havivi, Beth David Synagogue, Greensboro, NC; Rabbi Loren Sykes, Congregation Etz Chaim and director, Camp Ramah Darom; Matt Gottlieb, Congregation Beth Shalom and Georgia VP, Anshei Darom Region; and Paul Rovin, camp woodworking instructor and member of the Congregation Beth Israel Men’s Club, Greenville, SC. Rabbi Sykes expressed appreciation to the Men’s Club region behalf of the camp’s 500 campers and 200 staff members.


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