Friday, January 18, 2008
Meet Our Special Guests
’Cause what’s a retreat without a few Special Guests?

Maj. Mike Neulander (US Army, Ret.) will conduct Men’s Club Boot Camp and tell us about his experiences as an openly Jewish soldier in Saudi Arabia – Protestant B Not.

Rabbi Mario Karpuj of Atlanta's Congregation Or Hadash will provide his unique insights on Men’s Clubs as a community and remind us that rabbis at retreat are Just One of the Guys.
We have a lot going on – like yoga instead of yogurt before Shabbat morning services and yoga in the afternoon instead of...well...whatever. And we’re getting together a card game. And we’ve lots of honors and participation opportunities left for our Shabbat and Sunday services. They’re all listed in the post below. Just let David Kerven, our ritual coordinator, know what you want to do – click the link to send an e-mail to him at dkerven (at) comcast (dot) net.
There’s still room in the tent for you. To join us, go to our online registration site. Fill out the online form and send a check for $190 (payable to Anshei Darom Region) to our Regional Treasurer and Retreat Registrar:
Joe Zendlovitz
4404 Glendale Square
Nashville, TN 37204
Hey, how much easier can it be?
The Retreat Committee

Maj. Mike Neulander (US Army, Ret.) will conduct Men’s Club Boot Camp and tell us about his experiences as an openly Jewish soldier in Saudi Arabia – Protestant B Not.

Rabbi Mario Karpuj of Atlanta's Congregation Or Hadash will provide his unique insights on Men’s Clubs as a community and remind us that rabbis at retreat are Just One of the Guys.
We have a lot going on – like yoga instead of yogurt before Shabbat morning services and yoga in the afternoon instead of...well...whatever. And we’re getting together a card game. And we’ve lots of honors and participation opportunities left for our Shabbat and Sunday services. They’re all listed in the post below. Just let David Kerven, our ritual coordinator, know what you want to do – click the link to send an e-mail to him at dkerven (at) comcast (dot) net.
There’s still room in the tent for you. To join us, go to our online registration site. Fill out the online form and send a check for $190 (payable to Anshei Darom Region) to our Regional Treasurer and Retreat Registrar:
Joe Zendlovitz
4404 Glendale Square
Nashville, TN 37204
Hey, how much easier can it be?
The Retreat Committee
Labels: Retreat-O-Grams
Monday, January 14, 2008
Openings, We Got Openings...
...for Ritual Activities at the Ninth Annual Anshei Darom Retreat.
There are plenty of chances for you to be a part of our services, whether it involves no preparation at all or a few hours of practice and study.
As of today, we still need people to carry the ball for the following Ritual Tasks:
Friday Evening
Page Caller
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Morning
Page Caller
Shacharit Davener
M'Vorchim ha-Chodesh (Bentching for the New Month)
Musaf Davener (through Amidah)
Musaf Davener(Ein Keiloheinu to Adon Olam)
Gabbai Aleph
Gabbai Bet
Ark Opener
Ark Opener
Ark Closer
Ark Closer
Torah Carrier for Recessional
Torah Reader - Levi Aliyah (3 verses)
Torah Reader - Sh'lishi Aliyah (5 verses)
Torah Reader - R'vii Aliyah (12 verses)
Torah Reader - Chamishi Aliyah (5 verses)
Torah Reader - Shishi Aliyah (11 verses)
Torah Reader - Sh'vii Aliyah (6 verses)
Prayer for the Government
Prayer for the State of Israel
Shabbat Minchah/Ma'ariv
Page Caller
Minchah Davener
Page Caller
Ma'ariv Davener
Gabbai Aleph
Gabbai Bet
Ark Opener
Ark Opener
Ark Closer
Ark Closer
Torah Carrier for Processional
Torah Carrier for Recessional
Torah Reader - Levi Aliyah (3 verses)
Torah Reader - Sh'lishi Aliyah (7 verses)
Torah Reader - R'vii Aliyah (10 verses)
Sunday Morning
Page Caller
P'sukei d'Zimra Davener
We can provide .mp3 files and the appropriate tikkun pages to assist you in studying any readings you might want to take on. Even if you've never read Torah before, the Retreat is the best time to try it!
Contact David Kerven to sign up for Ritual activities. Do it'll be glad you did.
There are plenty of chances for you to be a part of our services, whether it involves no preparation at all or a few hours of practice and study.
As of today, we still need people to carry the ball for the following Ritual Tasks:
Friday Evening
Page Caller
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Morning
Page Caller
Shacharit Davener
M'Vorchim ha-Chodesh (Bentching for the New Month)
Musaf Davener (through Amidah)
Musaf Davener(Ein Keiloheinu to Adon Olam)
Gabbai Aleph
Gabbai Bet
Ark Opener
Ark Opener
Ark Closer
Ark Closer
Torah Carrier for Recessional
Torah Reader - Levi Aliyah (3 verses)
Torah Reader - Sh'lishi Aliyah (5 verses)
Torah Reader - R'vii Aliyah (12 verses)
Torah Reader - Chamishi Aliyah (5 verses)
Torah Reader - Shishi Aliyah (11 verses)
Torah Reader - Sh'vii Aliyah (6 verses)
Prayer for the Government
Prayer for the State of Israel
Shabbat Minchah/Ma'ariv
Page Caller
Minchah Davener
Page Caller
Ma'ariv Davener
Gabbai Aleph
Gabbai Bet
Ark Opener
Ark Opener
Ark Closer
Ark Closer
Torah Carrier for Processional
Torah Carrier for Recessional
Torah Reader - Levi Aliyah (3 verses)
Torah Reader - Sh'lishi Aliyah (7 verses)
Torah Reader - R'vii Aliyah (10 verses)
Sunday Morning
Page Caller
P'sukei d'Zimra Davener
We can provide .mp3 files and the appropriate tikkun pages to assist you in studying any readings you might want to take on. Even if you've never read Torah before, the Retreat is the best time to try it!
Contact David Kerven to sign up for Ritual activities. Do it'll be glad you did.
Labels: Retreat-O-Grams
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Yet Another Retreat-O-Gram!
The Ninth Annual Anshei Darom Region Retreat is coming...Feb 22-24 at Camp Ramah Darom in the beautiful mountains near Clayton, Georgia!
Yes, It's Rocket Science
With the drought possibly forcing an outdoor fire ban for our Anshei Darom Region Retreat, we have the finest scientific minds in the mountains of north Georgia trying to figure out how we can heat the rocks for our world-famous sweat hut.
We know every one of you has an opinion or two about how we can do it - and some of you may actually have some knowledge. We're open to all suggestions, no matter how ridiculous, so just let us know what you think will work.
If you're spiritually moved, maybe you can petition Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to pray for rain or even snow between now and our retreat Feb 22-24. There was a little snow there this week, but we don't know if it was enough.
And if nothing brings precipitation, maybe we'll drag race golf carts on the dry lake bed.
To join us, simply go to our handy online registration form by clicking the link - there's also a link on the sidebar of this page, near the top. Fill out the registration form online and then send a check for $190 (payable to Anshei Darom Region) to our fearless Region Treasurer and Retreat Registrar, Joe Zendlovitz:
Joe Zendlovitz
4404 Glendale Square
Nashville, TN 37204
If you are interested in davening, reading Torah, or otherwise actively participating in our Shabbat services or Sunday morning minyan, please be sure to contact David Kerven - dkerven (at) comcast (dot) net - to sign up. We'll have an updated list of all honors and participation opportunities still available.
Hey, how much easier can it be?
Be sure to ask your (male Jewish) friends to sign up - the Retreat is a great place to introduce 'em to a whole bunch of guys from all around the Southeast region. Camaraderie, new friendships, Adult Beverages in the bunkhouse and around the campfire (assuming we can have one!)...what's not to like? It's a super opportunity to experience the FJMC mission firsthand: Involving men in Jewish life.'s fun.
See you there!
The Retreat Committee
Yes, It's Rocket Science
With the drought possibly forcing an outdoor fire ban for our Anshei Darom Region Retreat, we have the finest scientific minds in the mountains of north Georgia trying to figure out how we can heat the rocks for our world-famous sweat hut.
We know every one of you has an opinion or two about how we can do it - and some of you may actually have some knowledge. We're open to all suggestions, no matter how ridiculous, so just let us know what you think will work.
If you're spiritually moved, maybe you can petition Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to pray for rain or even snow between now and our retreat Feb 22-24. There was a little snow there this week, but we don't know if it was enough.
And if nothing brings precipitation, maybe we'll drag race golf carts on the dry lake bed.
To join us, simply go to our handy online registration form by clicking the link - there's also a link on the sidebar of this page, near the top. Fill out the registration form online and then send a check for $190 (payable to Anshei Darom Region) to our fearless Region Treasurer and Retreat Registrar, Joe Zendlovitz:
Joe Zendlovitz
4404 Glendale Square
Nashville, TN 37204
If you are interested in davening, reading Torah, or otherwise actively participating in our Shabbat services or Sunday morning minyan, please be sure to contact David Kerven - dkerven (at) comcast (dot) net - to sign up. We'll have an updated list of all honors and participation opportunities still available.
Hey, how much easier can it be?
Be sure to ask your (male Jewish) friends to sign up - the Retreat is a great place to introduce 'em to a whole bunch of guys from all around the Southeast region. Camaraderie, new friendships, Adult Beverages in the bunkhouse and around the campfire (assuming we can have one!)...what's not to like? It's a super opportunity to experience the FJMC mission firsthand: Involving men in Jewish life.'s fun.
See you there!
The Retreat Committee
Labels: Retreat-O-Grams